Chris Rizzo
Associate Consultant

Chris Rizzo joined TDC as an Associate Consultant in 2022.
Chris graduated from Boston College in 2022 with a BA in Art History, Latin, and Faith Peace and Justice Studies with a concentration in Environmental Ethics. While attending Boston College Chris served as Chair of the university’s GLBTQ+ Leadership Council and worked at the McMullen Museum of Art as a Student Ambassador.
Chris graduated from Boston College in 2022 with a BA in Art History, Latin, and Faith Peace and Justice Studies with a concentration in Environmental Ethics. While attending Boston College Chris served as Chair of the university’s GLBTQ+ Leadership Council and worked at the McMullen Museum of Art as a Student Ambassador.
“TDC believes, as I do, that healthy, creative, forward-thinking nonprofits are at the heart of robust communities. I relish the opportunity to contribute to this important work and to learn more about the nonprofit sector and our incredible clients every day.”